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Workshop: Sharing Common Goals: Linking Marketing Teams to Enrollment Management

HashtagHigherEd US 2024 (Pittsburgh, PA)

September 10, 2024 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET

Despite sharing responsibilities for enhancing student enrollment, marketing and enrollment teams are often siloed on campuses with little communication between them. As enrollment trends change, it is becoming crucial to link marketing objectives to enrollment revenue-generation goals to foster the institution's overall success. This session will explore the need for inter-team collaboration.  

  • How can institutions group enrollment and marketplace challenges together and support this cultural shift on campus?    
  • What data need to be shared between teams to create strong enrollment leads and give marketing teams a clear idea of what is working and what is not?  
  • How can teams work together to respond to FAFSA issues and limit the impact on institutional reputation through marketing campaigns, and in doing so, separate a negative experience with FAFSA from the overall admissions experience?  

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Rory Verrett

Protégé Search is the leading global executive search firm focused on diverse talent.

Dr. Paul Gordon Brown

Dr. Paul Gordon Brown (he/him/his) is a scholar, consultant and speaker specializing in residential curriculum and curricular approaches.

Eric Lucrezia

Eric Lucrezia has helped candidates worldwide take the next leap in their careers.

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Brittney Westbrook is a strategic communications leader.

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