Andrew Cassel

Andrew Cassel

Andrew Cassel has been creating and curating social media content for higher ed since 2011. Cassel speaks regularly about social media content including appearances at ContentEd 2021, HigherEd Experts 2018, 2019 and 2020, the American Geophysical Union 2022 annual fall meeting. Cassel was awarded a best in track Red Stapler at the 2017 High Ed Web annual conference and is a five-time winner of Aurora Awards of Excellence from the Public Relations Society of America - Alaska including the 2018 Grand Award of Excellence. In 2019 he was a host for Higher Ed Live - Marketing Live. He is the sole author of the paper “Divesting from Facebook and Instagram”, based on a HEWeb 2022 session, which will be published in the winter 2023 peer reviewed Journal of Education Advancement & Marketing. He is a regular contributor to Cassel is currently the Senior Social Strategist and Content Producer at Middlebury College.

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Andrew Cassel

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Meet With Interviewees

Dr. Richard Yao

Dr. Richard Yao has served as President of California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) since January 2021.

Kim Hallman

Kim heads institutional marketing at 160over90, helping clients raise awareness and funds for their missions.

Trent Gilbert

Trent Gilbert understands the challenges and pressures modern-day enrollment managers face at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Michael Horn

Michael Horn is the co-founder of and a distinguished fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation.

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