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Brent Shock

Brent Shock

As Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success at Miami University, Brent Shock provides leadership to the offices of Admission, the Bursar, Student Success, Student Financial Assistance and the One Stop. Shock began his career in Miami’s financial aid office in 1992 and served as counselor, assistant director for student employment, and associate and senior associate director of systems prior to becoming director in 2011. Shock maintains active participation in the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), has served on two national task force committees, and currently serves on the Board of Directors as a Commission Director.

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Brent Shock

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Meet With Interviewees

Amy Filardo

Amy Filardo is a seasoned marketing and communications professional.

Dr. Vincent Del Casino

Dr. Vincent J. Del Casino Jr. serves as a key member of the university president’s leadership team.

Tyler Albright

Tyler Albright is the CRM Content Coordinator at Johnston Community College.

Caroline Ward

Caroline Ward has been a member of the William & Mary admission team for nearly eight years.

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