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Derek LaMontagne

Derek LaMontagne

Derek LaMontagne is a chemistry graduate student at the University of Florida. When he’s not in the lab experimenting with nanoparticles or advocating for the environment, he's rallying to save one of UF’s most precious yet overlooked resources: graduate housing. Three years ago, UF announced its plan to close and destroy Maguire Village and University Village South, two historic and beautiful graduate/family housing complexes on campus, by the summer of 2023. As a proud resident of Maguire Village, Derek has spearheaded the campaign to prevent his home and community from being demolished.

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Derek LaMontagne

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Meet With Interviewees

Rory Verrett

Protégé Search is the leading global executive search firm focused on diverse talent.

Dr. Paul Gordon Brown

Dr. Paul Gordon Brown (he/him/his) is a scholar, consultant and speaker specializing in residential curriculum and curricular approaches.

Eric Lucrezia

Eric Lucrezia has helped candidates worldwide take the next leap in their careers.

Brittney Westbrook

Brittney Westbrook is a strategic communications leader.

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