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 Dr. Alyssa Orlando

Dr. Alyssa Orlando

Dr. Alyssa Orlando currently works as the Director of Graduate Admission at Clark University. Prior to Clark, Dr. Orlando worked at numerous institutions in the New England area, serving the GEM profession for the last decade. Alyssa leads the New England chapter of NAGAP (NEGAP) as President, and received the NAGAP Future Leader Award in April 2024 for her service to the association. Dr. Orlando also earned her Ph.D. in Leadership in Education in May 2024. Her dissertation research focused on exploring the potential bias within holistic master's admission processes. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Ithaca College, and a master's degree in higher education from Boston College. Outside of professional obligations, Alyssa enjoys spending time with her husband, 1-year old son, and dog daughter. She also competes in the sport of powerlifting, where she won a USA Powerlifting national championship in June 2022.

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Dr. Alyssa Orlando

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Meet With Interviewees

Halima Leak Francis

Halima Leak Francis is the director of the John Lewis Public Administration Program.

Frank Tramble

Frank Tramble is a highly accomplished communications professional.

Greg Summers

Greg Summers is a former faculty member and longtime higher education administrator.

Julio Vargas-Essex

Julio Vargas-Essex is a dedicated higher education professional.

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