Dr. Amanda Ostreko

Dr. Amanda Ostreko

Dr. Amanda Ostreko is the Assistant Vice Provost and Director of Graduate Enrollment Management at the University of Kansas (KU). Dr. Ostreko oversees the Graduate Admissions office, providing strategic leadership for enrollment management efforts for domestic and international graduate applicants and students. She collaborates with multiple university offices to develop proactive and nimble strategies to adjust to changing environments and trends in recruitment and admission of graduate students, using best practices and technology solutions to manage search, inquiry and applicant pools, and collaborates with campus partners to facilitate retention and timely degree completion. Dr. Ostreko has held various roles at KU for over 20 years, including Director of Graduate Enrollment and Assistant Dean in the Office of Graduate Studies. She has served in leadership positions for KU’s Staff Senate, including President, and served on the NAGAP Governing board for 6 years, most recently as the Research Chair. Dr. Ostreko’s research and professional interests revolve around Graduate Enrollment Management (GEM) and higher education, with numerous publications and over 50 presentations.

Blog posts by

Dr. Amanda Ostreko

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Meet With Interviewees

Gerod Harder

Gerod Harder is the Associate Director of Social Media at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Jessica Pontarelli

Jessica Pontarelli is a leader in higher ed communications.

Lisa Nguyen

Lisa Nguyen is a veteran web marketing professional with a proven track record in online user experience.

Dr. Ariana Balayan

Dr. Ariana Balayan is the Director of Enrollment and Marketing for the Tufts University School of Medicine Graduate Programs.

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