Dr. Ariana Balayan

Dr. Ariana Balayan

Dr. Ariana Balayan is the Director of Enrollment and Marketing for the Tufts University School of Medicine Graduate Programs. There, she oversees strategic initiatives and everyday operations of recruitment, admissions, and marketing for four competitive health science graduate programs, as well as manages the admissions and marketing team. Prior to Tufts, Ariana served in various leadership roles in graduate admissions at private and public institutions. She is a thought leader in graduate enrollment management, specifically in strategic planning and model development. Ariana has been published in major academic journals, a preeminent textbook, and delivered many regional and national presentations.

Blog posts by

Dr. Ariana Balayan

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Meet With Interviewees

Gerod Harder

Gerod Harder is the Associate Director of Social Media at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Jessica Pontarelli

Jessica Pontarelli is a leader in higher ed communications.

Lisa Nguyen

Lisa Nguyen is a veteran web marketing professional with a proven track record in online user experience.

Dr. Ariana Balayan

Dr. Ariana Balayan is the Director of Enrollment and Marketing for the Tufts University School of Medicine Graduate Programs.

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