Dr. Stephanie Erdmann
Dr. Stephanie Erdmann is a higher education veteran with more than 20 years of experience in private, tribal, and public two-year and technical colleges in Wisconsin and Montana. Stephanie is passionate about two-year education. She began her own educational journey at Spokane Falls Community College before transferring to the University of Montana to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Interpersonal Communication and later masters and doctoral degrees. Her career path started in advertising and marketing after college graduation, and she proudly applies this transferable skill to her role as the CEO/Dean at Great Falls College MSU since July 2021, and in previous higher ed positions at other institutions for the last several years. With an impressive record of promoting leadership within two-year educational institutions, Stephanie constantly strives to remove barriers for students so they can improve their economic situations and civic responsibilities through education. While offering the appropriate programs of study, hiring suitable people, and providing adequate financial support, a big part of her work involves creating a brand and marketing it to a broader audience. Not only does a strong brand attract students to the campus and encourage them to attend, but a strong brand also builds a community, resulting in higher persistence leading to more graduates.