James Kellerhouse

James Kellerhouse

James Kellerhouse serves as a member of the Hartwick’s Senior Leadership Team, he leads the College’s individual, corporate and foundation fundraising; donor stewardship; student career development & network engagement; and governmental and alumni relations efforts. He also leads Hartwick’s comprehensive $50M fundraising campaign in support of FlightPath, the College’s innovative approach to supporting student success through immersion in a future-focused curriculum that is reinforced by robust mentoring and career preparation. James has over 25 years of experience in higher education, health care and advancement. Most recently, he served as vice president for philanthropy and chief development officer at the Albany Med Foundation in Albany, NY. He’s worked at Albany Law School, The Albany Academies, and Russell Sage Colleges, serving in several fundraising and leadership roles. James serves on the board of trustees of Russell Sage College in Troy, NY and the board of the Legal Project, a non-profit legal services organization. He earned a M.B.A. from the University at Albany through its executive program, which included an international trip to India. He also holds a B.A. and an A.A. in social sciences from Russell Sage College.

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James Kellerhouse

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Meet With Interviewees

Chris Rapozo

Chris Rapozo leads the marketing efforts at Hannon Hill.

Aneesh Sohoni

Aneesh is Chief Executive Officer at One Million Degrees (OMD), an organization that focuses on supporting community college students with life, school, and career

Patricia Maben

Patricia Maben’s passion to support colleges and universities through the success of their students from recruitment to graduation.

Troy Singer

As a Digital Marketing Specialist with a passion for Higher Ed, Troy loves gaining a clear understanding of the current outreach landscape of colleges and universities.

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