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Jeff Dillon

Jeff Dillon

Jeff Dillon is a senior consultant at Squiz - a technology company that is revolutionizing the way higher ed builds digital experiences for its constituents. With over 21 years of higher ed experiences working on the tech side, Jeff is a proven leader in managing dynamic and complex IT organizations, and driving business transformation. He is continually striving to use agile principles to enhance project and business processes and has a passion for leveraging teams of developers to optimize User Experience with the core principles of Universal Design and Accessibility. Jeff is a frequent speaker and presenter at Higher Education technology conferences and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with other schools to improve the quality and speed to deliver student centered services.

Blog posts by

Jeff Dillon

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Meet With Interviewees

Christian Cardona

Tom Mikowski

Tom is the Vice President of Business Development and Higher Education Partnerships for Allied Pixel.

Matt McLendon

Dr. Matthew B. McLendon leads the University of Alabama’s enrollment efforts.

Caitlin Currey

Caitlin’s passion for storytelling is rivaled only by her pursuit of results.

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