Kate Meyers Emery

Kate Meyers Emery

Kate Meyers Emery, Ph.D is the senior digital communications manager at Candid, where her primary role is leading the strategy, content production, and analysis of organic social media. With over 13 years of experience, Katehas a proven track record of using experimentation, data, and creativity to transform complex stories into simple yet compelling content on social media, web, email, and other digital platforms.She uses her depth of industry knowledge, natural curiosity, and background in Anthropology to create innovative, inclusive, and human-centered stories in digital spaces. Candid is a nonprofit organization that provides the most comprehensive data and insights about the social sector. Every year, millions of nonprofits spend trillions of dollars around the world. Candid finds out where that money comes from, where it goes, and why it matters. Through research, collaboration, and training, Candid connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to do it.

Blog posts by

Kate Meyers Emery

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Meet With Interviewees

Dr. Ariana Balayan

Dr. Ariana Balayan is the Director of Enrollment and Marketing for the Tufts University School of Medicine Graduate Programs.

Dr. Amanda Ostreko

Dr. Amanda Ostreko is the Assistant Vice Provost and Director of Graduate Enrollment Management at the University of Kansas.

Angela Virtu

Angela Virtu is a Professorial Lecturer in the IT & Analytics department at American University’s Kogod School of Business.

David Marchick

David Marchick serves as Dean of the Kogod School of Business at American University.

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