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Kim Hallman

Kim Hallman

Now in season 10 at 160over90, Kim leads the agency’s institutional marketing practice, helping colleges and universities, research institutes, health enterprises, and cause-based organizations raise awareness and raise funds to support a core impact mission. A former journalist turned publicist now all-around communications strategist, she first penned bylines in The Post-Standard in upstate New York, then worked as an editorial assistant for the National Campaign for the Arts in London, before landing on the marketing scene 18+ years ago. Originally focused in retail and hospitality PR, Kim quickly found that education category work fulfills her deep desire for lifelong learning. She holds a BA in English from Bucknell University and a master’s degree in Print Journalism from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. These days, when Kim’s not working, she’s soaking up all the firsts of new motherhood (and still trying to make some time for sleep).

Blog posts by

Kim Hallman

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Meet With Interviewees

Rory Verrett

Protégé Search is the leading global executive search firm focused on diverse talent.

Dr. Paul Gordon Brown

Dr. Paul Gordon Brown (he/him/his) is a scholar, consultant and speaker specializing in residential curriculum and curricular approaches.

Eric Lucrezia

Eric Lucrezia has helped candidates worldwide take the next leap in their careers.

Brittney Westbrook

Brittney Westbrook is a strategic communications leader.

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