Ryan Hogan
Ryan Hogan is the Vice President for Enrollment Management, Marketing, and Communication for Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). Hogan began his career in 2000 as a student assistant at Valdosta State University (VSU). Upon earning his degree in 2004, he started a career in the Office of Admissions where he held the roles of Admissions Counselor (2004-2011), Associate Director of Admissions (2011-2015), and Director of Admissions (2015-2022). Mr. Hogan has a wide range of experience which includes automation of communication and document processing through customer relationship management systems (CRM). He also is well-versed in marketing campaigns to drive enrollment initiatives. When not at work, Mr. Hogan is a proud husband to Micha and father to Abram (13) and Archer (9). The Hogans are avid travelers and aspire to visit all the national parks in the country, having visited 10 out of 63 sites so far.