Stephen Jendraszak
Stephen Jendraszak has more than 15 years of experience in higher education marketing and serves as assistant vice president for marketing at Emory University. In that role, he leads Emory’s central marketing team, including oversight of brand strategy and management, advertising, marketing research, and trademarks and licensing. Prior to joining Emory, Stephen’s roles included associate vice president for marketing and communication at Augsburg University in Minneapolis and director of marketing at Ball State University in Muncie, IN. He serves as co-chair of the volunteer planning committee for the American Marketing Association’s Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education and has been a member of the committee since 2021. He is a frequent presenter at national conferences, including the Symposium, and has served on the conference faculty for CASE's Annual Conference on Marketing and Branding and its Institute for Senior Communications and Marketing Professionals. Stephen earned his bachelor's degree in journalism and his master's degree in public relations from Ball State.