Tiffany Broadbent Beker
Tiffany Broadbent Beker is the Director of Digital Marketing for University Marketing at William & Mary, leading the office's digital strategy across its three priorities of enrollment, advancement, and institutional reputation. After an initial stint as a software developer at two technology startups, she returned to W&M (her graduate school alma mater) in 2010 as a web developer and its first social media coordinator. In 2017 she transitioned to her current role as part of University Advancement. She has presented at HighEdWeb, CASE Social Media & Community, and the College Communicators Association of Virginia and D.C. (CCA) Conference. She is a past president of CCA, leads the Management and Leadership Community Group for HighEdWeb and is one of W&M’s Institutional Representatives to the American Council on Education's Women's Network for Virginia.