Exploring Higher Ed Marketing Pet Peeves: Insights from Enrollify’s Higher Ed Pulse Podcast

Exploring Higher Ed Marketing Pet Peeves: Insights from Enrollify’s Higher Ed Pulse Podcast
Shelby Moquin
July 31, 2024
Higher Ed

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On the latest release of The Higher Ed Pulse podcast hosts Mallory and Seth discussed a hot topic in higher ed... pet peeves! The duo dives into the quirks and frustrations that often plague higher education marketing. The episode brings to light some humorous and enlightening insights. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the field, this episode is sure to resonate. So, let's unpack some of the standout points from the show!

Embracing the Staycation Trend

Before jumping into their main topic, Mallory and Seth share their love for staycations. Seth's recent experience in San Diego underscores the beauty of exploring your own backyard. Despite living in such a vibrant city, Seth admits he seldom takes the time to enjoy its offerings. This staycation allowed him to reconnect with his surroundings and appreciate the local gems. Mallory echoes this sentiment, highlighting the charm of Saratoga summers and the wealth of activities right at home. Their mutual endorsement of staycations sets a relaxed and relatable tone for the episode.

The Pitfalls of Higher Ed Websites

Seth kicks off the pet peeves discussion with a focus on higher ed websites. One major gripe is the all-encompassing nature of many .edu sites, which try to serve every audience under the sun. Seth argues that these websites should primarily cater to prospective students and the general public, not the entire campus community. Mallory jumps in, emphasizing the frustration of slow load times and poor information architecture. Together, they stress the importance of streamlined, user-friendly websites that prioritize prospective students' needs.

The Overuse of Generic Taglines

Another significant pet peeve shared by Seth and Mallory is the prevalence of generic taglines in higher education marketing. Phrases like "Find Your Future" and "Pursue Your Passion" are overused and fail to differentiate institutions. Seth advises against using these clichés, suggesting instead that schools focus on unique value propositions. Mallory adds that these taglines often don't resonate with the actual experiences of students and can come off as insincere. Both hosts advocate for more authentic and specific messaging that truly reflects an institution's strengths and culture.

Authenticity in Marketing Content

Authenticity, or the lack thereof, is a recurring theme throughout the episode. Mallory highlights the issue of "fake diversity" in marketing materials. Institutions often showcase perfectly diverse groups of students that don't accurately represent the actual campus demographics. This can lead to a disconnect and disappointment among prospective students. Seth also touches on the misuse of stock photography, urging marketers to ensure their visuals are unique and representative of their institution. Both hosts call for genuine and honest marketing practices that build trust and credibility.

Improving Social Media and Advertising Strategies

Seth and Mallory delve into the realm of social media and advertising, pointing out common missteps. One major issue is the lack of tailored content for different platforms and audiences. Seth notes that current students and alumni are the primary followers of institutional social media accounts, yet the content often targets prospective students. Mallory agrees, adding that generic social media posts fail to engage and convert these distinct groups. They encourage marketers to create platform-specific content that speaks directly to their intended audiences.

Leadership and Continuous Improvement

Mallory also introduces Enrollify's new course, Lessons in Leadership, designed to empower new and aspiring leaders in higher education. The course, led by Dr. Carrie Phillips, covers essential topics like systems thinking, adaptive leadership, and building positive workplace cultures. It's an exciting opportunity for those looking to enhance their leadership skills and drive meaningful change within their institutions.

Key Takeaways:
  • Prioritize Prospective Students: Focus higher ed websites on serving prospective students and the general public.
  • Ditch Generic Taglines: Avoid overused phrases and craft unique, authentic messages.
  • Be Authentic: Use genuine visuals and representations of campus diversity.
  • Tailor Social Media Content: Create platform-specific content for current students, alumni, and prospective students.
  • Commit to Continuous Improvement: Embrace leadership training and strive for personal and professional growth.

For more in-depth insights and to join the lively discussion, be sure to listen to the full episode of Higher Ed Pulse on the Enrollify Podcast network. Join the conversation and share your own pet peeves on LinkedIn, and don't forget to check out Enrollify's Lessons in Leadership course starting September 9th.

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