Geotargeted Ads at High School Graduations: A Clever Strategy by UA Little Rock

Geotargeted Ads at High School Graduations: A Clever Strategy by UA Little Rock
Shelby Moquin
August 22, 2024
Content Strategy

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In a recent episode of "Talking Tactics," hosted by Dayana Kibilds, she dove into a smart marketing strategy executed by the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UA Little Rock). The tactic? Leveraging the emotional and physical presence of local high school students during their graduation ceremonies by serving them geotargeted ads while they were on campus. The results were impressive, and the thought process behind this strategy is a testament to the power of location-based marketing.

The Strategy Behind the Tactic

Meghan Milliorn, Director of Digital Strategy at UA Little Rock, shared the inspiration for this campaign. The university hosts high school graduations in their large campus arena, a longstanding tradition. Last year, inspired by a successful geofencing campaign targeting community college students, Meghan and her team saw an opportunity to apply the same concept to the high school graduation ceremonies held on their turf.

With a captive audience of soon-to-be college students and their families, the university decided to serve ads focused on affordability and available scholarships. The message was clear and resonant, appealing to both the students and their financially-conscious families. By focusing on a universal concern—cost—they ensured the ads were relevant to all attendees, regardless of their specific role or interest.

Crafting the Perfect Ad Content

One of the challenges Meghan and her team faced was creating content that would resonate with a diverse audience of high school students, parents, and even school officials. They chose to highlight the university's affordability and specific scholarships, knowing that financial concerns are a universal topic of interest among these groups.

The ads were motion-based, a smart choice given the brief attention spans during events like graduations. The animations allowed them to convey multiple messages in a single ad, ensuring that key points were communicated even if viewers only glanced at their screens. This strategic use of animated content ensured that the ads were both eye-catching and informative.

Implementation and Results

The ads were displayed on Facebook and other platforms during the specific dates of the graduation ceremonies in May. They were also shown in the arena on electronic signage, reinforcing the message in a physical space. The campaign targeted nine different high schools, resulting in nearly 32,000 impressions and 306 clicks during the events. A follow-up retargeting campaign, which ran for three weeks after the graduations, garnered even more impressive results with over 104,000 impressions.

Interestingly, the click-through rate was higher during the actual graduation ceremonies than in the retargeting phase, likely due to the captive nature of the audience—many attendees were likely killing time on their phones while waiting for the ceremonies to begin. This surprising outcome highlights the importance of context and timing in digital marketing.

Key Takeaways

  • Leverage Existing Events: Look for opportunities within your current campus events to engage potential students. Graduation ceremonies, campus tours, and open houses are all ripe for geotargeted marketing.
  • Universal Messaging: When targeting a diverse audience, focus on messages that resonate universally—affordability and scholarships were key in this campaign.
  • Retargeting Works: Following up with a retargeting campaign can reinforce your message and keep your institution top-of-mind for prospective students and their families.
  • Context is King: The context in which your audience views your ads can significantly impact engagement. Captive audiences, like those at graduation ceremonies, can yield higher engagement rates.

Meghan Milliorn and her team at UA Little Rock have set a great example of how to capitalize on existing events and audiences. This tactic not only reached a large number of prospective students but also reinforced UA Little Rock’s commitment to affordability and accessibility.

For more insights into successful higher education marketing strategies, be sure to listen to the full episode of "Talking Tactics" on the Enrollify Podcast Network featuring Meghan Milliorn.

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