Personalization as the Key to Student Engagement: Insights from Ryan Hogan, VP of Enrollment at ABAC

Personalization as the Key to Student Engagement: Insights from Ryan Hogan, VP of Enrollment at ABAC
Shelby Moquin
September 6, 2024
Student Engagement

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On a recent episode of In Your Element, Daniella Nordin and Brendan Henkel welcomed Ryan Hogan, the Vice President of Enrollment Management, Marketing, and Communication at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). Ryan, also the 2024 Boltie Award winner for Student Engagement, shared his expertise on one of the hottest topics in higher education today: student engagement.

In this episode, Ryan Hogan delves into the strategies ABAC employs to engage students on a personal level and how they are successfully leveraging technology to create individualized student experiences. With insights into both the broader philosophy and the practical applications behind student engagement, Ryan offers a roadmap for institutions looking to boost their connection with prospective students.

The Power of Personalization in Student Engagement

At the heart of ABAC’s approach to student engagement is personalization. Ryan explained that students are not a monolithic group, and they should not be treated as such. Whether it’s through personalized emails based on a student’s interests or segmenting communications based on geographic location, ABAC strives to treat each student as an individual.

“Personalization is the name of the game,” Ryan said. “We want to talk to students as individuals, not as one of 5,000 others.”

For ABAC, this means not only considering what students are interested in academically but also understanding what their on-campus experience might look like. It’s about creating tailored messaging that resonates with prospective students, educating them about the institution's offerings, especially since ABAC doesn’t have the same name recognition as larger or more prominent schools.

Shifting from One-Way to Two-Way Conversations

A key part of ABAC’s engagement strategy is transforming what used to be one-way communication into two-way conversations. Gone are the days when colleges simply bombarded students with “apply now” messages. Today’s prospective students crave interaction, and ABAC uses technology like Element 451 to facilitate those conversations. Through tools like text messaging, students can engage directly with the institution, asking questions or getting guidance, even in real-time during on-campus events.

Ryan shared a vivid example of how this works: “At an event, a student might text us saying, ‘Hey, I’m lost,’ and we’re able to respond immediately, guiding them to the right place. It’s all about bringing the student into the conversation.”

By empowering students to engage in dialogue rather than passively receiving information, ABAC enhances their overall experience and ensures that prospective students feel valued and supported from the outset.

Adapting Strategy on a Dime

When Ryan joined ABAC, one of the key changes he implemented was a more agile approach to strategy. Thanks to the capabilities of Element 451, the ABAC team can shift their approach almost immediately when needed. For instance, their orientation registration process, which had been cumbersome, was revamped in just one week using the platform's microsite capabilities. This allowed students to easily register for sessions and gave ABAC the flexibility to adjust communications as the situation evolved.

Ryan’s advice to other higher education leaders is clear: if your strategy is stuck in the past, it’s time to rethink it. “If you ever hear, ‘This is the way we’ve always done it,’ that’s a red flag,” he said, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decisions and being willing to shift strategies when necessary.

Looking Beyond Admissions: Full Lifecycle Student Engagement

One of ABAC’s most innovative uses of Element 451 is how the system is integrated across the entire student lifecycle, from recruitment to retention. Ryan highlighted how ABAC involves various departments—including financial aid and bursary offices—in the platform to ensure seamless communication with students throughout their entire academic journey.

By using data to track student interactions and monitor potential pain points, ABAC can address concerns before they lead to attrition. As Ryan explained, “If students aren’t happy, they will make a different choice, and it’s our job to ensure that we’re addressing their needs and concerns along the way.”

A Brand That Cares: Standing Out in a Crowded Marketplace

ABAC is located in rural Georgia, and while it doesn’t have the name recognition of larger institutions, Ryan believes that what sets them apart is the personalized experience and the care they show to each student. From unique programs like the Nursing at Night initiative to showcasing ABAC’s affordability (59% of their students graduate without debt), the college focuses on showing students the ROI of their education early on in the process.

“It’s not just about getting students in the door,” Ryan explained. “It’s about ensuring they graduate successfully, with little to no debt, and are ready to hit the ground running.”

Key Takeaways

  • Personalization is crucial: Institutions need to speak to students as individuals, catering to their specific interests and needs.
  • Two-way conversations enhance engagement: Engaging students in dialogue, not just pushing out information, fosters stronger connections.
  • Agility is key: Having the ability to quickly shift strategies, based on data and student feedback, is critical for success.
  • Engage students beyond admission: Building lifelong relationships means integrating communication across the entire student experience.
  • Showcase value early: In a competitive higher ed landscape, it’s important to demonstrate the tangible benefits of attending your institution.

For anyone in higher education looking to improve their student engagement strategies, this episode of In Your Element is a must-listen. Ryan Hogan’s insights offer a valuable look into how ABAC is setting itself apart by putting students first and leveraging technology to create a personalized, supportive experience.

Listen + Learn More

To dive deeper into the conversation with Ryan Hogan and explore how ABAC is transforming student engagement, be sure to listen to the full episode of In Your Element. You won’t want to miss the actionable insights on personalization, data-driven decision-making, and the innovative strategies driving student success at ABAC. Tune in now!

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