The Power of Presidential Support: A Collaborative Journey at Wilmington College

The Power of Presidential Support: A Collaborative Journey at Wilmington College
Shelby Moquin
August 23, 2024

About the Blog

In the latest episode of Visionary Voices: The College President's Playbook, hosted by Bryan Gross, we dive into a compelling conversation with Corey Cockerill, President of Wilmington College, and her trusted advisor, Lucie Lapovsky. The discussion centers on the challenges of leading a higher education institution, the invaluable support systems that can make or break a presidency, and the deep collaboration that has guided Wilmington College through transformative times.

Navigating Unexpected Challenges

When Corey Cockerill stepped into her role as president, she anticipated the usual hurdles—budget constraints, financial planning, and enrollment management. However, she quickly encountered an unexpected challenge: turnover. The loss of key staff members in critical positions posed a significant threat to the institution's stability. Without the necessary cross-training and continuity, the situation could easily have spiraled out of control.

Enter Lucie Lapovsky, whose steady guidance and insightful questioning helped Cockerill transition from a reactive stance to a proactive strategy. Lapovsky's approach was simple yet profound: she asked the right questions. Instead of panicking, she encouraged Cockerill to consider whether all positions needed to be filled as they were or if there was an opportunity to rethink the organizational structure. This shift in perspective allowed Cockerill to focus on long-term solutions rather than quick fixes.

The Impact of "Lucie-isms"

One of the standout moments in the conversation was Cockerill's reflection on what she affectionately calls "Lucie-isms"—succinct, impactful pieces of advice that resonate long after they're delivered. One such Lucie-ism was particularly transformative: "You don't have a spending problem, you have a revenue problem." Initially, this statement seemed obvious, but as Cockerill and her team delved deeper into it, they realized it was a fundamental truth that would drive their strategic direction.

This shift from focusing on cutting costs to generating revenue led to significant initiatives at Wilmington College, including the launch of a prison program that has become a crucial revenue stream. Lapovsky's advice not only provided clarity but also set the tone for board discussions and decision-making, proving the value of having an experienced advisor in the president's corner.

Building a Strong Support Network

Gross also explored how Lapovsky approaches her role as an advisor. Her methodology is rooted in active listening and understanding the unique challenges of each institution. Rather than applying a one-size-fits-all solution, Lapovsky tailors her advice to the specific needs of the college and its leadership.

For aspiring college presidents, this conversation offers invaluable insights. The importance of having a support system—whether through formal coaching, mentorship, or a network of trusted advisors—cannot be overstated. As Lapovsky pointed out, many boards are beginning to recognize the need for presidential support, especially given the high turnover rates in leadership roles. However, for those who may not have access to such resources, she recommends seeking out affinity groups like the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), where open and collaborative relationships can be formed.

Fostering Collaboration in Leadership

Both Cockerill and Lapovsky emphasized the importance of collaboration, not just within the senior leadership team but across the entire institution. For Cockerill, building a foundation of trust was key to fostering collaboration at Wilmington College. She initiated campus-wide listening sessions, which allowed faculty, staff, and administrators to voice their concerns and begin rebuilding trust. This open communication paved the way for effective collaboration when the time came to implement new strategies.

Lapovsky echoed this sentiment, stressing the need for transparency and clear communication. Leaders who model these behaviors set the tone for their teams, ensuring that everyone is aligned with the institution's vision and goals. This approach not only strengthens internal collaboration but also enhances the institution's ability to navigate the complex challenges of today's higher education landscape.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proactive Leadership: Transitioning from a reactive to a proactive leadership style is crucial in navigating unexpected challenges, especially during periods of high turnover.
  • The Value of Advisors: Having a trusted advisor can provide clarity, direction, and confidence, particularly when making critical decisions that impact the institution's future.
  • Building Trust: Establishing a foundation of trust through open communication and listening is essential for fostering effective collaboration within an institution.
  • Customized Support: Tailored advice that considers the unique challenges of each institution is far more effective than a generic approach.

Listen + Learn More

For more insights into the dynamics of presidential support and the power of collaboration in higher education, listen to the full episode of The College President's Playbook featuring Corey Cockerill and Lucie Lapovsky on the Enrollify Network. Discover how Wilmington College navigated through challenging times and emerged stronger, guided by strategic advice and a commitment to trust and collaboration.

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