Elevate Your GEM Recruitment and Marketing Using AI

Dive into the fascinating universe of creating your own chatbots and analyzing information in ways tailored to the world of higher education. While there are plenty of tools out there, we're going to focus on how you can use prompt engineering and ChatGPT to attract and engage graduate students. 

Here's what you'll get from our session:

  • Crafting Conversations: Discover how to write questions and prompts that get you exactly the kind of responses you need, making your recruitment and engagement efforts more direct and impactful.
  • Simplifying Data: Learn to make sense of and use data in smart ways to shape your marketing strategies and make more informed decisions when it comes to enrolling students.
  • Building Your Own AI: Get hands-on experience in creating AI tools that are customized for the specific needs of marketing and recruiting graduate students. See how these tailored solutions can streamline your tasks and open up new possibilities.
  • Ready-to-Use AI Tools: You’ll also gain access to more than 10 AI tools we’ve created specifically for higher education. These are ready for you to use right away and will help spark ideas for your own AI projects.

This workshop is designed for anyone interested in learning more about AI and prompt engineering, regardless of your experience with AI. Join us to see how AI can elevate your graduate program's recruitment and marketing efforts in easy-to-understand ways!

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Shane Baglini

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Meet others

Chris Rapozo

Chris Rapozo leads the marketing efforts at Hannon Hill.

Aneesh Sohoni

Aneesh is Chief Executive Officer at One Million Degrees (OMD), an organization that focuses on supporting community college students with life, school, and career

Patricia Maben

Patricia Maben’s passion to support colleges and universities through the success of their students from recruitment to graduation.

Troy Singer

As a Digital Marketing Specialist with a passion for Higher Ed, Troy loves gaining a clear understanding of the current outreach landscape of colleges and universities.

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