Building the Future: How Guilford Tech is Revolutionizing Student Engagement

Building the Future: How Guilford Tech is Revolutionizing Student Engagement
Shelby Moquin
July 26, 2024
Student Engagement

About the Blog

Orna Shearin, the Customer Relationship Management Specialist at GTCC, joined the "In Your Element" podcast to share some thrilling news. Across the hall from her office, a state-of-the-art esports arena was under construction. This new space is more than just a gaming hub; it’s a learning environment where students in entertainment technology will master live streaming and broadcasting. The arena signifies GTCC's commitment to providing cutting-edge resources and opportunities for their students.

Orna’s Journey to Her Role

Orna’s journey at GTCC began as a student nine years ago. Starting as an English tutor, she transitioned to working for Tight Link, the social service arm of the college that addresses non-academic needs like food and housing insecurity. Her knack for data and a dual degree in IT and business led her to her current role. Now, as the CRM Specialist, Orna oversees various "Element" tasks, making her an integral part of the college’s communication and engagement strategy. Her path from student to staff exemplifies the transformative power of education and the diverse career pathways available within community colleges.

Leveraging Technology for Student Retention

A year into her role, Orna has been instrumental in utilizing Element 451 to enhance student communication, focusing heavily on retention. Community colleges face unique challenges, such as supporting students who may not be academically prepared or who face significant life challenges. At GTCC, retention strategies include personalized communication and holistic support services. They send tailored emails to students, welcoming them to each semester and informing them about available resources like free counseling, disability services, and emergency financial help. These personalized touches make students feel supported and connected, increasing their likelihood of staying enrolled and succeeding.

The Role of Technology in Personalized Communication

One standout feature of GTCC's approach is the use of BoltBot, which engages in about a thousand conversations a month, answering various student inquiries. This tool, combined with personalized emails and texts, ensures students receive timely reminders and support. Orna shared that the average open rate for their communications is around 33-35%, a testament to the effectiveness of their personalized approach. By integrating data from different campus departments into Element 451, GTCC ensures that students are not overwhelmed with repetitive information, keeping communication relevant and engaging.

Data-Driven Decisions for Better Outcomes

Orna emphasized the importance of data in shaping communication strategies. For instance, payment reminders are sent based on data from the cashier's office, leading to higher payment rates and fewer students deregistering for non-payment. By tracking open rates and click-through rates, GTCC continually refines their messages to ensure they are meeting student needs. This data-driven approach not only improves communication efficiency but also enhances student experiences, leading to better retention and success rates.

Looking Ahead: Embracing AI and Streamlining Applications

Looking forward, GTCC plans to further integrate technology into their processes. They aim to streamline applications for competitive entry programs and automate acceptance communications, making the enrollment process smoother for students. Orna is particularly excited about the upcoming AI assistance features, which promise to revolutionize how GTCC interacts with and supports its students. These advancements align with GTCC's mission to provide accessible, high-quality education and support to all students.

Key Takeaways
  • Innovative Learning Spaces: GTCC is building an esports arena to enhance learning in entertainment technology.
  • Student-Centric Journey: Orna's career progression at GTCC highlights the diverse opportunities within community colleges.
  • Focus on Retention: Personalized communication and holistic support are central to GTCC’s retention strategies.
  • Effective Use of Technology: Tools like BoltBot and Element 451 enable personalized, data-driven communication.
  • Future Innovations: GTCC is excited about integrating AI assistance and streamlining application processes to better serve students.

Listen + Learn More

For a deeper dive into how GTCC is transforming student engagement and retention, tune into the full episode of "In Your Element" featuring Orna Shearin. Explore the innovative strategies and technologies shaping the future of community colleges and discover how your institution can implement similar initiatives.

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