Empowering Admissions: The Transformation at Kellogg Community College

Empowering Admissions: The Transformation at Kellogg Community College
Shelby Moquin
May 20, 2024
Enrollment Management

About the Blog

In a recent episode of "In Your Element," Brendan Henkel and Daniella Nordin had the pleasure of interviewing Jenni Kotowski, the Director of Admissions at Kellogg Community College. This episode not only highlighted Kellogg’s innovative use of the CRM tool Element451 but also shed light on how technology can empower educational institutions to enhance their operations and student engagement.

Transforming Admissions with Technology

Jenni discussed how Kellogg Community College has revolutionized its admissions process by leveraging Element451. This CRM platform has enabled the admissions team to become more autonomous, reducing their reliance on the IT department. By using Element451, Kellogg’s staff can now create and adjust applications and communications workflows independently. This autonomy has allowed for tailored applications for different student types and automated communication flows that adjust dynamically to updated information.

Real-Life Benefits and Efficiency

One of the standout benefits of using Element451 is its user-friendly interface, which Jenni praised for its adaptability. The platform has significantly reduced the admissions team's workload by automating repetitive tasks and simplifying data management. For example, Kellogg has set up specific applications for their traditional, dual enrollment, and selective admission programs, such as nursing and radiography, directly through Element 451. This has streamlined the application process, making it more efficient and responsive to both staff and student needs.

Automated Communications: A Game Changer

Jenni highlighted the power of automated communications in improving student interactions. With Element451, Kellogg Community College can automatically send personalized communications as soon as applications are processed. This feature has not only saved time but has also ensured that communications are timely and relevant, significantly enhancing student engagement and satisfaction.

Empowerment Through User-Friendly Design

The design of Element451 is such that even those with minimal technical skills can use it effectively. This aspect has particularly benefited Kellogg Community College by allowing more staff members to engage with the system confidently. Jenni shared how easy it was to reassign tasks and update workflows within the platform, which has been crucial in maintaining the continuity and efficiency of the admissions process.

Key Takeaways

  • Enhanced Autonomy: The admissions team at Kellogg can operate independently from the IT department, thanks to the user-friendly and adaptable features of Element451.
  • Streamlined Processes: Automated workflows and tailored applications have streamlined the admissions process, making it more efficient and less prone to errors.
  • Improved Communication: Automated, timely, and personalized communications have improved interactions with students, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

Listen + Learn More

Are you interested in how technology can transform educational administration? Listen to the full episode titled "Streamlined Success: Kellogg Community College’s Journey To User Empowerment With Element451" on the Enrollify podcast network. Dive deeper into how Kellogg Community College is using Element451 to revolutionize its admissions process and improve student engagement. 

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