September 6, 2023
Ep. 1: How to Market an Online Graduate Program: Building the Foundation to Ensure Success

How to Market an Online Graduate Program: Building the Foundation to Ensure Success

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About the Episode

Welcome to “How to Market an Online Graduate Program” a special 4-part podcast series brought to you by Enrollify and our friends at Archer Education.  

Over the course of this series we’ll unpack everything you need to know to properly design a go-to-market strategy for your new online grad program and what the first few years of marketing and growing your program should look like.

We’ll dive deep into where, when, and how to use paid search and paid social effectively, how you should think through appropriately balancing paid and organic efforts in Years 1 and 2 vs Years 3 and 4 post-launch, what positioning strategies you should test, how to properly leverage the personal brands of faculty and staff members, and so much more.

This series is made possible thanks to our friends at Archer — Archer is an education technology company dedicated to personalizing student recruitment.

If you want to learn more about how Archer might be able to help your institution get more bang for your marketing and admission buck, head on over to ArcherEdu.com and tell them that your friends at Enrollify sent you their way. 

In Episode 1 of How to Market an Online Graduate Program you’ll meet Angie Mohr SVP of Student Engagement and John Goodwin Senior Managing Director at Archer. 

Angie, John, and I discuss:

  1. What  the key differences between marketing in-person graduate programs and online programs are — and how should schools tailor their marketing strategies accordingly
  2. Why marketing leadership should have a seat at the table during the development of the program itself
  3. What the balance between paid and organic strategies look like in the initial stages of marketing an online graduate program should look like
  4. And loads more

People in this episode


Zach is the Founder of Enrollify. He thoroughly enjoys building new brands, developing and executing content marketing strategies, and hosting podcasts. When he's not working on Enrollify, he enjoys discussing life's quandaries over coffee (or a good bourbon) with friends, building Sponstayneous (his travel brand side hustle), trying out new HIIT workouts, and adventuring across the globe with his wife!


Angie Mohr

Problem solver. Relationship builder. Changemaker. Champion of individuality for brands. Lover of design. Angie is an accomplished marketer and creative leader with more than 10 years of experience developing successful brands, teams and marketing strategies.

John Goodwin

Providing subject matter expertise with over 20 years in providing Marketing and Enrollment Management Capacity, John is a Senior Managing Director at Archer dedicated to helping Archer's academic partners (Small, Medium, and Large National and Regional Universities and Colleges) DEVELOP and GROW their online presence and communities.

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